Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part II
71 How objectives in the context of management can be defined?
The end result, which an organization tries to attain
72 What are the two key factors in ‘management by objectives?
Democratic goal-setting and verifiable objectives
73 In an informal organization the structure is not prescribed by
The formal authority
74 How planning and control are related?
Both go hand-in-hand with each other in a cyclical manner
75 For a private company it is necessary that it must have at least
Two (2) members
76 A Special Resolution in general meeting is passed by
Three-fourth majority of votes
77 Who can issue a share warrant?
Public companies only
78 The minimum number of shareholders necessary for a public company are
Seven (7)
79 What does the share capital of a company means?
Equity and preference share capital
80 An agreement concluded by a minor which is beneficial to him/her is a
Valid contract
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