Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part II
51 Which country first of all employed credit rationing as an instrument of credit control?
52 What does the ‘Terms of Trade’ mean?
Ratio of the index of export prices to the index of import prices
53 Market for very short term loans is called
Money market
54 Keeping other things the same, an increase in exports over imports will have what effect on in come?
55 Who did not favored Free trade?
56 In Balance of Payments, foreign travel is
57 If the elasticity of foreign demand for the country’s export is unity, what will be the shape of the supply curve of foreign exchange?
58 Who employed for the first time the multiple exchange rates?
59 What is the elasticity of demand for foreign exchange for financing capital outflow?
60 The law of Comparative Costs is based on which theory?
Labor Theory of Value
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