Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part II
91 What does trading on equity means?
The use of fixed-interest borrowed funds for getting a higher return on equity
92 Cost of goods sold refers to what?
Sales minus gross profits
93 In the pay-back period method of capital budgeting, investment is divided by what?
Constant annual cash flow
94 What is Break-even-point?
A situation where there is no profit no loss
95 What does under-capitalization means?
A situation where the capital base does not justify the amount of earnings made and needs to be enhanced
96 A scheduled of balances drawn from the ledger is called what?
A trial balance
97 What does goodwill of a firm represents?
Intangible assets
98 A bank account is what type of account?
Personal account
99 Prepaid expenses appearing in a trial balance will figure in which report?
Balance sheet
100 What is called the excess of current assets over current liabilities?
Working capital
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