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Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part II

Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part II

91 What does trading on equity means?

The use of fixed-interest borrowed funds for getting a higher return on equity

92 Cost of goods sold refers to what?

Sales minus gross profits

93 In the pay-back period method of capital budgeting, investment is divided by what?

Constant annual cash flow

94 What is Break-even-point?

A situation where there is no profit no loss

95 What does under-capitalization means?

A situation where the capital base does not justify the amount of earnings made and needs to be enhanced

96 A scheduled of balances drawn from the ledger is called what?

A trial balance

97 What does goodwill of a firm represents?

Intangible assets

98 A bank account is what type of account?

Personal account

99 Prepaid expenses appearing in a trial balance will figure in which report?

Balance sheet

100 What is called the excess of current assets over current liabilities?

Working capital

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