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CSS Sociology Paper 2022

CSS Sociology Paper 2022

CSS Sociology Paper 2022. CSS 2022 Sociology Paper. Sociology Paper CSS 2022

Q 2: Deviant Behaviour is the result of ineffective social control. Comment on the flaws existing in the formal and informal mechanisms of social control with examples and and add that how these mechanisms can be improved.

Q 3: Since inception of Pakistan as an independent country, numerous education policies have been developed but have not stood productive towards ensuring hundred percent enrolment. Describe the systematic flaws and other restraining forces behind it.

Q 4: Compare Ibn e Khaldun’s Asabiya and Durkheim’s social solidarity on the basis of consonance and dissonance in the major premises of their theories.

Q 5: Social issues are investigated through quantitative and qualitative modes in the variable situations. Explain the different situations with examples, reflecting proper application of the two methods.

 Q 6: How can sexually abused children be integrated into society? Highlight the role formal and informal agents/organizations in the socio-culture landscape of Pakistan.  

Q 7: Max Weber and Talcott Parsons have theorized social action from their variable perspective. Highlight the contribution of both thinkers and also locate the divergence in their standpoints.

Q 8: Write notes on the following.

  • Social functions of religion
  • Cultural relativism

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