CSS Sociology Paper 2017
CSS Sociology paper 2017. Sociology CSS paper 2017. Sociology Paper 2017 CSS.
Q. No. 2. How evolutionary theories of sociology provide a stimulating gesture to transform societies? Compare and contrast the classical and neo-classical school of thoughts for understanding phenomenon of social change. (20)
Q. No. 3. What are core elements which lead to develop rigorous research design in social research? (20)
Q. No. 4. Discuss in brief the socio-cultural factors that may enhance and retard the process of social and cultural change in societies. (20)
Q. No. 5. Marx and Weber theorized that modern society alienated people. How do their approaches contrast each other and how their concepts of alienation can be compared with Durkheim’s concept of anomie? (20)
Q. No. 6. What key characteristics distinguish capitalism from socialism? Compare these two systems in terms of productivity, economic inequality and personal freedom. (20)
Q. No. 7. What is the role of culture in socialization of an individual to become a useful member of a society? Discuss what cultural patterns help to explain this phenomenon. (20)
Q. No. 8. Write note on the following. (10 each) (a) Political economy of globalization (b) Regional migration
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