CSS Psychology Paper 2017
CSS Psychology paper 2017. Psychology paper 2017. CSS 2017 Psychology paper. Psy chology CSS Paper 2017. Psy chology CSS 2017 Paper.
Q. No. 2. Define Personality. Discuss in detail few major theories of personality. (20)
Q. No. 3. Differentiate between fine sensation and perception. Elaborate Gestalt Principles of perception. (20)
Q. No. 4. What is reliability of psychological tests? Elaborate different types of reliability for test with suitable examples. (20)
Q. No. 5. Differentiate between intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). Also discuss major theories of emotional intelligence with suitable examples. (20)
Q. No. 6. Define psychological disorders and its major categories. Discuss major therapeutic techniques used by the clinical psychologists for the treatment of psychological disorders. (20)
Q. No. 7. What are different leadership styles with reference to major leadership style theories? Elaborate the characteristics of transformational and transactional leaders with appropriate examples. (20)
Q. No. 8. Write comprehensive notes on any TWO of the following:
(A) Goals of psychotherapy
(B) Test Validity and its Types
(C) Development in childhood
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