CSS Political Science Paper 2023
CSS Political Science Paper 2023. CSS Political Science Past Papers 2023. Political Science CSS Past Papers 2023.
CSS Political Science Paper 2023 – Paper I
Section A
2 Explain Bentham’s greatest happiness of the greatest number.
3 What are Al Ghazali’s pre-requisites for becoming a Khalifa?
4 Expounds Iqbal vision for rise of Muslims in South Asia in the era of colonialism.
5 Write short notes on the following.
- Existentialism is humanism
- Cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am)
Section B
6 Rights and duties are two facets of the same coin. Elaborate.
7 In an Islamic State, Islam is considered a complete code of life, which provides guidelines for proper management of political power. Elaborate.
8 What are salient features of a professional and political bureaucracy?
CSS Political Science Past Papers
CSS Political Science Paper 2023 – Paper II
Section A
2 The people of South Asia had suffered because of missed opportunities for regional development, connectivity and cooperation. Evaluate the performance of SAARC in th light of this statement.
3 “The military’s political role has undermined civilian institutions and the growth of democratic political culture.” Analyze civil military relations in Pakistan.
Section B
4 WTO is a tool of developed countries to be used for exploitation of developing countries. Do you agree? Give your arguments.
5 Pakistan China friendship is based on reciprocal developments. Analyze.
6 Judicial activism is the natural corollary of poor governance in Pakistan. Do you agree?
7 What do you understand by the term “Start Up” and How Start Up culture can be developed in Pakistan?
8 Despite the enactment of 18th amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the question of political devolution is as yet largely unresolved. Discuss.
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