CSS Physics Paper 2020
CSS Physics paper 2020. Physics CSS papers 2020. Physics papers CSS 2020. Physics papers of CSS 2020.
Paper II
Q. 2. (a) Discuss electric field of point charges, keeping in view the magnitude of force acting on test charge according to Coulomb’s Law.
(b) Derive Poisson’s equation from Gauss’s Law. Also write the expression for Laplace’s equation.
(c) Find out the electric field due to charge of 2e at a distance of 26.5 x10-12 m. (Ɛo =8.85×10-12 C2 /N.m2 and e=1.60×10-19 C)
Q. 3. (a) Discuss in details the Energy Transport and the Poynting Vector.
(b) Write the four Maxwell’s Equations both in integral and differential forms.
(c) Explain vector potential.
Q. 4. (a) State and explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
(b) Discuss the phenomenon Barrier Tunneling.
(c) Find the momentum of an electron moving with a speed of 1.88 x 106 m/s. where mass of electron is 9.11 x 10-31 kg.
Q. 5. (a) What do you understand by the term Dopping? How we can make semiconductors as n-type or p-type with the dopping?
(b) Discuss in details the N-P-N and P-N-P transistors.
(c) Explain MOFET.
Q. 6. (a) Discuss in detail the process of Natural Radioactivity.
(b) Discuss in detail the radioactive decay.
(c) Find the energy released during the alpha-decay of 238 U. Where the needed atomic masses are238U 238.050785 u, 234Th 234.043539 u and 4 He 4.002603 u.
Q. 7. (a) Discuss in detail the phenomenon of Fission.
(b) Explain the basic principles of Nuclear Reactors.
(c) Briefly write about the methods of detection of nuclear radiation.
Q. 8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(a) Dielectric medium and Electric Polarization
(b) Ampere’s Law
(c) Accelerators
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