CSS Law Paper 2022
CSS Law Paper 2022. Law Paper CSS 2022. CSS Law Past Papers. CSS 2022 Law Paper.
Q 2: What do you understand by the phrase ‘privileged communications? Discuss in detail with illustration how many kinds of such privilege have been provided in the QSO?
Q 3: Explain the law relating to the relevancy of the testimony of an expert witness and in what manner his evidence is evaluated in Pakistan legal system?
Q 4: Right of private defence possesses wide range of implication for a criminal trial. Explain its various kinds along with the limitations placed on its exercise.
Q 5: Kidnaping and abduction are two important offenses against body. Explain their kinds and how they are differentiated from each other?
Q 6: The codified provisions of the Civil Procedure Code do not deprive the courts from their ‘inherent powers. Discuss in details what are the powers held by the courts under the notion of ‘inherent powers?
Q 7: Explain the various steps required legally for conducting of a trial by a court of session along with the powers conferred on the court in this regard.
Q 8: Write Short Notes on any two of the following.
- Interpleader suit
- Additional Evidence in Appellate Court under Civil Procedure Court
- Special procedure for Lunatics under Code of Criminal Procedure
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