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CSS High Scoring Subjects – 7 Best Recommended Books

CSS High Scoring Subjects – 7 Best Recommended Books

The post explains “CSS high scoring subjects. Which optional subjects are high scoring in CSS? Best optional subjects for CSS. High scoring optional subjects of CSS. CSS high scoring subjects.

CSS Recommended Books By FPSC

CSS High Scoring Subjects

css high scoring subjects

No one can say for sure which subjects are high scoring and which are not. It is a matter of luck and understanding. For some candidates one subject may be easy and high scoring while for others it may be not. However, here we will highlight some points that we hope will help you choosing your CSS optional subjects wisely.

Best CSS Academy in Pakistan

  1. Never choose subject based on your qualification. Suppose you have done BS or MS in subject ‘A’ but you are not good in it, though it is your degree subject, never opt it.
  2. Subjects such as Mathematics, Accounting, Statistics and Finance are high scoring only if you are good at them and you can avoid making minor mistakes. Problem with these subjects is, a minor mistake during solution can lead you to an incorrect answer. Thus, you will lose both marks and time during paper. In contrast theoretical papers do not have such issues.    
  3. If you have good knowledge of a subject and you can prepare it easily but cannot produce it on paper, never opt it. CSS Interview Questions Pakistan
  4. If you are not good in memorizing Quranic Ayats, Hadiths and translation, avoid opting Islamic subjects such as Jurisprudence, Islamic culture etc.  
  5. Try to choose subjects that interlinks with one another. For example, subject of International Relations will help you in the preparation of both Current Affairs and USA history. Similarly, Muslims Law and Jurisprudence will help you in your preparation of Islamiat and Islamic history as well.
  6. Try to choose subjects having short syllabus. This will help you prepare them easily.
  7. Try to choose subjects in which a lot of literary work have not been done particularly in Pakistan like Gender Studies, Town Planning etc. 

Age Limit For CSS Exam in Pakistan

Our Recommended High Scoring Optional Subjects For CSS

International Relations

Town Planning And Urban Management

History of USA

Gender Studies

International Law

Muslims Law and Jurisprudence

Pashto, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi

About StaffAmbitious

Askedon helps aspirants in their preparation for CSS, PMS, PCS and one paper MCQs based tests. We have syllabus wise complete notes of Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, Islamiat, Essay, Gender Studies and many other compulsory and optional subjects of CSS, PMS and PCS. The blog is owned and managed primarily by Ataulhaq Yusufzai. For more details please visit About US and Privacy Policy page.

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