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CSS Geography Paper 2022

CSS Geography Paper 2022

CSS Geography Paper 2022. Geography Paper CSS 2022. CSS 2022 Geography Paper. CSS Geography Past Papers.

Q 2: Differentiate between the endogenic and exogenic forces. Explain the prominent features of Fold Structure and also bring out their impact on drainage patterns.

Q 3: Enlist the major coastal landforms and explain how they are produced? Also, examine the characteristics of a beach.

Q 4: Examine various lines of evidence for climate change and also discuss the mechanism that causes variation in climate conditions.

Q 5: Describe the important Tropical weather systems, particularly Hurricanes. How Hurricanes are formed and discuss weather patterns associated with them?

 Q 6: Define medical geography. Analyse that global location pattern is a significance factor in a population’s sustainability to diseases.

Q 7: Illustrate the term Toponymy and highlight the roots and routes of the Indo-Pacific language source.

Q 8: Write short notes on any two of the following.

  • Global pattern inn diseases
  • Development indicators
  • Over population threats and their consequences

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