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CSS Gender Studies Paper 2021

CSS Gender Studies Paper 2021

CSS Gender Studies paper 2021. Gender Studies CSS paper 2021. Gender Studies past papers. Gender Studies CSS 2021 paper.

Question No 2: Discuss in detail what the autonomy and integration debate in gender studies has important contribution for the development of the field of knowledge.

Question No 3: Masculinity and femininity are the deeply engraved realities since distant past in human history. Discuss various theoretical debates on the construction of masculinity and femininity to make it explicit that the formation of both is either natural or social reality. Support your arguments with real life examples.

Gender Studies CSS Paper 2022

Question No 4: Marxist feminism is a philosophical variant of feminism that incorporates and extends Marxist theory and analyzes the ways in which women are exploited through capitalism and the individual ownership of private property. Discuss the development of Marxist/Socialist feminism and the philosophical stance they hold to discuss gender issues and exploitation.

Question No 5: Psychoanalytic feminism is a theory of oppression, which asserts that men have an inherent psychological need to subjugate women. As elaborated, give a detailed analysis of the gender oppression and women’s subordination promulgated by Psychoanalytic Feminism.

Question No 6: Modernization Theory blames internal cultural factors for women’s subordination in the developing world. Discuss and elaborate the given statement in respect to Modernization Perspectives.

Question No 7: Critically analyze the various approaches to women’s development focusing on Women in Development (WID), Women and Development (WAD) and Gender and Development (GAD).

Question No 8: Despite the entry of women legislators into politics on a 17 percent quota in national and provincial assemblies, still there are voices that “is Pakistan’s Gender Quota in parliament showing results?”. Rethink and discuss that how quotas can lead to political mainstreaming of women in Pakistan.

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