CSS Fields in Pakistan
The post contains “CSS fields in Pakistan. Duties of CSS officers. CSS Fields. What are the duties of a CSS officer?”
CSS Fields in Pakistan

After successfully qualifying the competitive exam of Central Superior Services (CSS), candidates are allocated to one of the following twelve groups and services. Allocation is solely based on position and choice of the candidates.
CSS Fields in Pakistan:
- Commerce and Trade Group
- Foreign Service of Pakistan
- Information Group
- Inland Revenue Service
- Military Lands and Cantonments Group
- Office Management Group
- Pakistan Administrative Service
- Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service
- Pakistan Customs Service
- Police Service of Pakistan
- Postal Group
- Railways (Commercial and Transportation) Group
During apply for the CSS exam, candidates are asked to write groups of their choice from 1 to 12. Majority of the candidates write Police Service of Pakistan, Pakistan Administrative Service and Foreign Service of Pakistan as their top three choices. Due to this reason allocation to one of these three groups is often considered tough and only good position holders are allocated to it.
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