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CSS Current Affairs Paper 2022 Solved MCQs

CSS Current Affairs Paper 2022 Solved MCQs

CSS Current Affairs Paper 2022 Solved MCQs. CSS Current Affairs Solved MCQs 2022.

1 The book ‘Pakistan; A Hard Country’ was written by

Anatol Leven           Daniel Markey                Ian Talbot                         None of these

2 The book ‘The Great Illusion’ was written by

Fredrick Angel           Norman Angel            Lillian Angel                      None of these

3 The book ‘No Higher Honour’ was written by

Collen Powel             Barak Obama              Condoleezza Rice             None of these

4 The book ‘Saplens’ was written by

Crispen Bates           Yousaf Haftari              Yuval Noah Harari             None of these

5 Article _____________ of the Constitution of Pakistan deals with ‘Vote Of no Confidence’ against Prime Minister.

95                                  96                                         97                            None of these

CSS Solved MCQs Quiz Online Test

6 ______________ Session of Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC was held in Islamabad in March 2022.

47th                               48th                                     49th                           None of these

7 Mariupol is the name of city of:

Russia                        Poland                           Ukraine                        None of these

8 Kautilya was the name of chief advisor of

Emperor Chandragupta Maurrya              Ashoka The Great         Prithvi Raj Chauhan       

9 CIS is a regional organization situated in

Far East                      Central East                Middle East                    None of these

10 Name of present Chinese Foreign Minister is

Wang Yi                         Yeo Jing                     Wong Rong                     None of these

11 The height of world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa (UAE) is ____________ meters.

848                                838                                  828                            None of these

12 _____________ is the current US Secretary of State.

Mike Pompeo          Antony Blinken                 Llyod Austin                None of these

National Assembly Pakistan MCQs

13 Dr. Abdul Qdir Khan died on

15 March 2021              12 July 2021               10 October 2021             None of these

14 Squash legend Jehangir Khan won _____________ matches in row.

555                                      444                          333                                  None of these

15 The headquarter of ECO is in

Ankara                                Tehran                    Baku                                None of these

16 Total membership of EU is

26                                       27                                28                              None of these

17 Current President of the UN General Assembly is

Volkan Bozkir              Chris Smith              Abdullah Shahid               None of these

18 The currency of Norway is

Norwegian Krone     Norwegian Dollar              Norwegian Pound         None of these

19 Total membership of SAARC is

7                                           8                                     9                             None of these

20 The capital of Canada is

Toronto                         Montreal                         Ottawa                           None of these

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