CSS Criminology Solved MCQs
CSS Criminology Solved MCQs. CSS Criminology Solved MCQs.
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CSS Criminology Solved MCQs
1 Who was Philippe Pinel?
One of the founders of French psychiatry
2 Who is known as the Father of Criminology?
Cesare Lombroso
3 Who was Cesare Lombroso by profession?
4 What is Biosocial Theory says?
There is link among physical and mental traits, the social environment, and behavior.
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5 Who founded cartographic school of criminology?
Adolphe Quetelet and Andre-Michel Guerry
6 Which famous sociological criminologist had idea that crimes can be useful and healthful for society?
Emile Durkheim
7 Émile Durkheim believed that crimes paved the way for?
Social change
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8 Who authored “The Division of Labor in Society”?
Emile Durkheim
9 Who authored “Communist Manifesto”?
Karl Marx
10 In his writings Karl Marx called the working/labor class of society?
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