CSS Compulsory Subjects Preparation – 6 Steps To Success
CSS compulsory subjects preparation. How to prepare CSS compulsory subject? CSS compulsory subjects preparation
CSS Compulsory Subjects Preparation – How To Do It?
CSS compulsory subjects are English Précis, Essay, Islamiat/Islamic Studies, Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairs and Generals Science and Ability. Though majority of CSS aspirants have good knowledge of these subjects from the beginning, still thousands of aspirants failed in one of these subjects each year. These are considered the least scoring subjects in the competitive exam. One common reason is, aspirants take them easy and thus give short time to it for its preparation.
How to prepare CSS compulsory subject?
In preparation of CSS compulsory subjects aspirants should follow these steps.
To do full-fledged preparation of CSS compulsory subjects, aspirants should first go through their complete syllabuses.
Subjects such as Essay, Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs need regular study. Never rely on its syllabus only. Questions asked in these papers are mostly related to today’s world. So you better have good knowledge of current affairs.
To save your time, it is necessary to rely and visit only those websites and online platforms which have data and notes in arranged form.
Another good option is to subscribe to monthly magazine of any CSS preparatory academy in Pakistan.
For essay preparation, do daily writing practice for at least an hour. Avoid cramming expected essay topics.
Take active part in forums discussion. This will help you in strengthening your writing technique. Here is our forum for CSS PMS Preparation. Help us grow it by participating in it.
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