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CSS Agriculture And Forestry Paper 2022

CSS Agriculture And Forestry Paper 2022

CSS Agriculture And Forestry Paper 2022. Agriculture And Forestry CSS Paper 2022. Agriculture And Forestry Paper CSS 2022.

Q2. What is Integrated Plant Nutrient Management (IPNM)? How chemical fertilizers efficiency can be improved? How agro-industries waste (sugar, cotton & fruits) can be best utilized as plant nutrients?

No3. Describe the present Cotton scenario, causes of low production during the last five years, and challenges ahead. How past glory of cotton production can be achieved?

Q4. What factors influence seed germination? How seed viability is affected during storage? What is the informal seed sector? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the informal seed sector.

Q5. Write notes on:

  1. Potential and issues of small dams constructed in mountainous and semi-mountainous areas of Pakistan.
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Q6. Discuss objectives and the basis of conventional forest classification in Pakistan. Describe the distribution of forests in Pakistan.

Q7. Describe the role of agroforestry in forage scarcity mitigation for livestock. How different range areas have played their roles in livestock raring?

Q8. Write notes on:

  1. Principles of forestry
  2. Silvicultural systems

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