Critical Impacts Of World War II On Pakistan Movement
The post explains “Critical impacts of World War II on Pakistan movement. Impact of Second World War on Pakistan movement. Effects of World War 2 on Pakistan movement.”
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Critical Impacts Of World War II On Pakistan Movement

Most of the historians considered World War II as one of the major reasons that led to the creation of Pakistan. According to them if World War II would have not fought, it is possible that British may rule over India even today and if not at least their control over India may remained for next two to three decades and so Muslims of the sub-continent may not have gained their independence. It was that bloody war that forced British to withdraw its forces from Sub-continent and freed India and Pakistan. So they, in a way, are considering WW II as a plus point to the creation of Pakistan but they, however, failed to realize the critical impacts of World War II for Pakistan movement and its creation. Before making any mind about World War II impacts on Pakistan’s movement and its creation, it is important to analyze its negative impacts on Pakistan’s creation as well.
The critical impacts of World War II on Pakistan movement are those that are ranging from boundaries demarcation to the division of military and economic assets between India and Pakistan.
World War II left British and her allies with devastated social, political and economic conditions. United Kingdom at that point of time was not in a position to even manage her own economic expenses. In such difficult circumstances holding and managing as big colony as India was totally impossible for Britain. To quickly retire themselves from the control of Sub-continent, the Kingdom took most of the decisions in hurry. The result of such hasty decisions was that it severely affected the lives of millions of Muslims of the sub-continent. One example of such devastating impacts was the lack of proper rules and regulations about the merger of princely states in newly born states.
Due to the population strength of Hindus in sub-continent, Britishers from day one were favoring Hindus in social, political and economic affairs of the state. World War II added a new momentum to the sentiment of favoritism of Britains for the Hindus. Reason was the participation Indian soldiers in a large number in the war in support of the Kingdom and her allies. In the division process of India then, after World War II, we see that Britains payback Hindus with much bigger rewards for their participation in the war in the form of allocating more resources and even those areas to India whose inhabitants were not ready to become a part of the Hindustan.
Due to poor economic conditions the Kingdom was unable to leave enough economic resources for the two newly born states. India with much bigger population than Pakistan, was not ready at any cost to handover the due economic shares of Pakistan to her. The impact of such actions of both India and Britain for Pakistan was that the country faced grave shortage of economic resources during its early days to even run the government machinery properly. Pakistan even today owns to India that unpaid economic shares.
Another severe impact of World War II on Pakistan’s creation was the provision of insufficient military resources to the country. The war had consumed almost all of the military and economic assets of Great Britain. Due to this reason Britain had to handover only very limited resources to both India and Pakistan.
Kashmir issue between Pakistan and India is one of the major blunders of Britain that she had did while dividing and demarcating boundaries between the two states. The issue of Kashmir between India and Pakistan is solely due to the hasty decisions of United Kingdom.
As after the war due to economic problems the Kingdom was not anymore in a position to maintain the control of India. So she decided to hand over the control of Subcontinent to the local political leaders of India and get rid of its burden as quickly as possible. In such hurry they left many matters unsolved. Example of one such unsolved matter is the division of water between the two states.
These are some of the major negative impacts of World War II on Pakistan movement. It is possible that both the position and structure of Pakistan would be quite different today if the war has not been fought. May be, today, Pakistan would be a more stable state with all those princely states as its part, who at the time of division had voted in favor of Pakistan.
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