Criminology Solved MCQs PDF
Criminology Solved MCQs PDF. Criminology Solved MCQs PDF.
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Criminology Solved MCQs PDF
1 The origin of Classical Theory dates back to which of the following years?
2 Who are the founders of Classical Theory of Criminology?
Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham
3 The origin of Positivist Theory of Criminology dates back to which of the following years?
4 Marxist Theory emerged in which of the following years?
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5 What is the other name of Marxist Theory?
Conflict Theory
6 Which theory states that “People choose to commit crime after weighing the benefits and costs of their actions?”
Classical Theory
7 Some people are crime prone due to their biological and mental traits. This idea belongs to which theory?
Positivist Theory
8 Crime is a function of class struggle is the core idea of which theory?
Marxist Theory
9 Mental and physical degeneracies are the cause of crime is the main postulate of which famous theory?
Positivist Theory
10 Which theory blames Capitalist system of economy for crimes in human society?
Conflict Theory
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