Criminology Important MCQs With Answers
Criminology Important MCQs With Answers. Criminology Important MCQs With Answers.
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Criminology Important MCQs With Answers
1 Which theory suggests Severe and Swift punishment as a mean to stop crimes in society?
Classical Theory
2 The origin of Sociological Theory dates back to which of the following years?
3 Multifactor Theory of criminology emerged in the year of?
4 Who is the founder of Sociological Theory?
Emile Durkheim
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5 Who is the founder of Multifactor Theory?
Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck
6 Which theory blames social structure and disorganized urban areas as the breeding ground for crimes?
Sociological Theory
7 Deficits in social, environmental, physical and physiological factors may leads to crime is the core idea of which theory?
Multifactor Theory
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8 What is Criminology?
The study of criminal behavior
9 What is Criminal Justice?
Control of crimes by punishing the criminal offenders
10 What is Deviance in criminology?
Behavior depart from social norms
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