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Criminology CSS Paper MCQs

Criminology CSS Paper MCQs

Criminology CSS Paper MCQs. Criminology CSS Paper MCQs.

Take online test in these MCQs at Criminology CSS MCQs Test

Criminology CSS Paper MCQs

1 Is deviance/deviant act a crime?

No, not all deviant acts are crimes

2 Which famous criminologist believed that crimes must provide some pleasure to the criminal?


3 To deter crime, what Beccaria suggested?

Inflict pain on criminals in an appropriate amount

4 The writings and views of Beccaria formed the basis of?

Classical Criminology

Our Next Post: CSS Criminology Solved MCQs

5 “Let the punishment fit the crime” was the famous notion of which part of century of human history?

18th and 19th Centuries

6 Who is called the founder/father of sociology?

Auguste Comte

7 “Human behavior is a function of forces beyond a person’s control” is one of the two principle ideas of which popular criminology theory?

Positivist Theory

Our Previous Post: Criminology Important MCQs

8 All human behaviors are biological oriented is the cored concept of?

Positivist Theory

9 What the phrase “manie sans delire” means?

Psychopathic personality

10 Who coined the phrase manie sans delire?

Philippe Pinel

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