Criminology CSS Paper MCQs
Criminology CSS Paper MCQs. Criminology CSS Paper MCQs.
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Criminology CSS Paper MCQs
1 Is deviance/deviant act a crime?
No, not all deviant acts are crimes
2 Which famous criminologist believed that crimes must provide some pleasure to the criminal?
3 To deter crime, what Beccaria suggested?
Inflict pain on criminals in an appropriate amount
4 The writings and views of Beccaria formed the basis of?
Classical Criminology
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5 “Let the punishment fit the crime” was the famous notion of which part of century of human history?
18th and 19th Centuries
6 Who is called the founder/father of sociology?
Auguste Comte
7 “Human behavior is a function of forces beyond a person’s control” is one of the two principle ideas of which popular criminology theory?
Positivist Theory
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8 All human behaviors are biological oriented is the cored concept of?
Positivist Theory
9 What the phrase “manie sans delire” means?
Psychopathic personality
10 Who coined the phrase manie sans delire?
Philippe Pinel
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