COVID-19 Pandemic Myths And Reality
The article discusses “COVID-19 pandemic myths and reality. Coronavirus pandemic and different theories about its emergence. Is COVID-19 manmade or natural?”
COVID-19 Pandemic Myths And Reality
According to The Guardian March 2020, report the first known case of Corona Virus (COVID-19) was reported in China on 17 November 2019, weeks before concerned authorities officially recognized the new virus. Since then an unending process of the reporting of new cases began worldwide. To this day the total number of Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, reported cases worldwide are 39.3 million according to World Health Organization October (WHO) 2020 report. Whereas its sudden appearance and devastating effects on society, politics and economy has left people uncertain about their future it also lead to the development of numerous speculations about the emergence of the virus.
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Action and statements of some organizations, countries and their leaders has made the emergence of COVID-19 more controversial than any other similar virus. For example the World Health Organization in its February 2018, annual review of the Blueprint list of priority disease had added an unknown disease with the name of “Disease X”. Though the organization in its explanation of the disease had argued that it could be any disease and plague but the purpose of listing it was that we should be mentally ready for it. Similarly Chinese President Xi Jinping in an address to People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in January 2019 had given them orders to get ready for an upcoming Black Swine and then after 11 months the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Wuhan city of China. Many analysts argued that this cannot be co-incidence and that the President was aware of the upcoming pandemic.
Similarly a YouTuber on 15 November published a video on his YouTube channel “Thoughty2” explaining the same disease that was highlighted by WHO, just two days before the first case was reported in China.
COVID 19 And Looming Education Crisis
Another important factor that makes COVID-19 controversial was the release of a Hollywood movie Contagion in 2011, in which an exact situation that the world is facing today had been depicted. A viral disease that spreads from China and that has same symptoms and devastating effects on world’s health, economy and politics had been showed beautifully in the movie.
The Emerging Threat Of Biological Warfare in 21st Century
Another very controversial aspect of the disease is its emergence. Some people believed that the virus has been manufactured in lab and main objective of the manufacturers is to get advantage of the world’s devastating economic situation. They present the example of China which successfully took over control of the disease after fighting it for six to eight months. Now she is busy in expanding its territory (conflict with India in Ladakh) and economic ties.
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All the above mentioned arguments are only speculations and they have no link with reality. It is time that we should take collective steps against the pandemic because it has not only devastated our economy and health sector but also has paralyzed our social life. One thing that COVID-19 has made crystal clear is that our objective should be health not weapons.
Tags: COVID-19 pandemic myths and reality. Coronavirus pandemic and different theories about its emergence. Is COVID-19 manmade or natural? COVID-19 pandemic myths and reality. Coronavirus pandemic and different theories about its emergence. Is COVID-19 manmade or natural? COVID-19 pandemic myths and reality.
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