COVID 19 A Wake Up Call For Pakistani Researchers CSS Essay
The article discusses “COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on research work in Pakistan. COVID-19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers.”
COVID 19 A Wake Up Call For Pakistani Researchers
The health sector of Pakistan has many shortcomings in term of budget allocation, proper infrastructure and assignment of enough resources for research and development purposes. Similarly the lack of effective research work in the field of health sciences is a well known fact. The recent novel COVID-19 pandemic reinstated the need and importance of analytical study in general and in health sector in particular in the country. Some people consider the pandemic a wake-up call for Pakistani researchers. They argue the following reasons.
Impacts Of COVID-19 on Pakistan Economy
The world is changing continuously and so are the viral diseases. COVID-19 pandemic recalled the need of continue research work in the field of health sciences to better understand the changing nature of viruses and bacteria. It will help us to keep our selves ready for any other similar viral outbreak in the near future.
Epidemics don’t just happen. They are a result of things that people do with nature.
OVID-19 Pandemic A Divine Curse Or Cure?
Though majority of the scientist and researchers agree that the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic was totally a natural phenomenon, still some believes that it was the result of human actions. They argued that the virus was manufactured in lab and it was spread on purpose. They are pointing towards China and say that she spread the virus intentionally to get benefits out of the world devastating economy. If this is the case then it is need of the time to shift our focus primarily towards research work to be able to bypass any such attacks in future from our enemy states.
COVID 19 And Looming Education Crisis
According to Jim Robbins, the world famous scientific writer, “epidemics don’t just happen. They are a result of things that people do with nature”. Over the years, not only in Pakistan but throughout the world, humans have damaged the word natural system at large. It is therefore widely believed that COVID-19 pandemic is one of the reactions of damage done by the human beings to the world eco-system. In such case it is highly recommended that an extensive research work should be done on the eco-system of Pakistan first. In the final report recommendations should be given to heal the nature if possible.
Universal Human Equality is Utopic
Another important aspect of research work that COVID-19 pandemic highlighted is to understand how the viruses work? Similarly the suggestion and development of new ways to control them or at least reduce the rate of their reproduction and spread is also possible only through analysis.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Social Life in Pakistan
With each passing day the viral threats are growing more common and they are getting more deadlier. It is therefore need of the hour that a special research centre on the spread of viral diseases should be setup in the country where viruses and their nature are thoroughly studied.
Intercultural Communication is Panacea To Avoid 3rd World War
The invention of deadly weapons, discovery of new viruses and bacteria and regular changes occurring in the world eco-system, all emphasizes on the need of continuous research work. This is because to study the changing nature of viruses and bacteria and to control them not only in Pakistan but throughout the world.
Gender Equality A Popular Slogan
Today war among belligerent nations is not fought on frontline in the battle ground. They are rather fought indirectly by the use of different means such as bio weapons that includes viruses and bacteria. To counter such threats both on front line and battle grounds we need an extensive research work.
Human Inventions Move The Societies Backward
The above arguments suggest the need of regular research work to be done to not only improve health sector of Pakistan but also develop immunity both at national and international level.
For further details you can visit the following links.
- The News – COVID 19 a Threat and a Wake-up Call
- Theigc.org – COVID 19 Pakistan Preparations and Response
- Newswise – COVID 19 A Wake up Call For The Need For New Antiviral Weapons
Tags: COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers. COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers. COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers. COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers. COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers. COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers. COVID 19 a wake up call for Pakistani researchers.
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