Parliaments of the world MCQs
parliaments of the world mcqs. MCQs on parliaments name of countries in the world. parliaments of the world mcqs quiz questions and answers pdf.
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Parliaments of the world MCQs
1 What is State Duma in Russia?
Lower House of parliament
2 What is the Israeli parliament called?
General Knowledge 3200 MCQs
3 How many Muslims are in the Israeli parliament?
4 Which is the oldest parliament in the world?
5 What country claims to have the oldest parliament in the world?
6 What is the Althing in Iceland?
7 Which country parliament is Folketing?
8 What is the parliament of Germany called?
9 Which national legislature has the most members?
National People’s Congress of China
10 Which national bicameral legislature has the most members?
Parliament of the United Kingdom (1,443 members)
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[…] Parliament MCQs Part II […]