Important MCQs On Continents
Important mcqs on continents. continents and oceans questions and answers. continents quiz pdf. 7 continents quiz worksheet. Important mcqs on continents.
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Important MCQs On Continents
1 How many continents are there in the world?
2 Is it 5 or 7 continents?
General Knowledge 3200 MCQs
3 Is Australia a continent?
4 What continent does Russia belong to?
Asia and Europe
5 Where is Russia located in Europe or Asia?
6 Which mountains are called the boundaries of Europe and Asia?
Ural Mountains
7 Which is the largest continent of the world by size?
8 Which is the Second largest continent of the world by size?
9 Which is the Third largest continent of the world by size?
North America
10 Which is the Fourth largest continent of the world by size?
South America
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