Most Commonly Confusing Words In English Part I
1 Difference between Assent and Ascent:
Assent is used when a person approve your request or proposal while ascent is used for an upward movement through a slope.
2 Difference between Artist and Artiste:
Artist is that person who practices one of the fine arts such as poetry, painting or sculpture while a professional singer or dancer is called artiste.
Difference between Artist and Artiste is of alphabet “E”. Artist for art practitioner has no E while Artiste for singer has an E in the end.
3 Difference between Amiable and Amicable:
Amiable means friendly behavior of an individual while amicable applies to friendly relations between a group of people.
The difference between the two terms is that of the alphabet “C”. Term Amiable do not contain C while term Amicable has a C right after alphabet I.
4 Difference between Altogether and All together:
The term Altogether means absolutely while All together is applied for collectively.
There are two differences between the two terms. First, the term Altogether for absolutely has one “L” after A while the term All together has two “Ls”. Similarly Altogether for absolutely has no space between Al and together while the other has.
5 Difference between All ready and Already:
All-ready means quite prepared while the term Already is used for this or that time.
The difference between these two terms is similar to that of previous terms. Both terms have a difference of two “Ls” and space between Al and ready.
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6 Difference between Berth and Birth:
The term Birth means coming to life while berth is applied for a sleeping place/room in an aeroplane or train.
The term Berth for sleeping place has an “E” after B while the term Birth has an “I” instead of “E”.
7 Difference between Beside and Besides:
The term Beside means by the side or outside while Besides is used for addition.
Major difference between the two terms is that Besides for addition contain ‘‘S’’ in the end while the other do not contain any S.
8 Difference between Bad and Bade:
Bad means the poor quality of a thing or a person while Bade is the past tense of Bid which means an offer.
Difference between the two terms is that Bade for offer has an ‘‘E’’ in the end while the other contain none.
9 Difference between Bridal and Bridle:
Bridal is used for something related to marriage while the rein of a horse is called Bridle.
Difference between the two terms is that Bridal for marriage has an ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘D’’ while the term Bridle for rein of a horse has no ‘‘A’’ between ‘‘D and L’’ but it has an ‘‘E’’ in the end.
10 Difference between Born and Borne:
The term Born means to give birth to while Borne means to carried or sustained.
The difference between the two terms is that Borne for carried has an ‘‘E’’ while the other has none.
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