Computer Shortcut Keys Online Test
Computer Shortcut Keys Online Test. Computer Shortcut Keys Online Test. Computer Shortcut Keys Online Test.
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Computer Shortcut Keys Online Test
1 Shortcut Key for accessing the font size tool on formatting toolbar is
Ctrl + Shift + P
2 Shortcut key for +Subscript” the selected text is
Ctrl + =
3 Shortcut key for “Superscript” the selected text is
Ctrl + Shift + =
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4 Shortcut key for closing active document in MS Word is
Ctrl + F4
5 Another shortcut key to show font dialog box is
Ctrl + Shift + F
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6 To show font dialog box, another shortcut key is
Ctrl + Shift + P
7 Shortcut key for removing all character formats is
Ctrl + Spacebar
8 Shortcut key to undo last action is
Ctrl + Z
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9 To increase paragraph indent, shortcut key is
Ctrl + M
10 To move to the end of document, shortcut key is
Ctrl + end
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