Computer MCQs – 300 Important MCQs For NTS CSS
Computer MCQs – 300 Important MCQs For NTS CSS. Computer MCQs – 300 Important MCQs For NTS CSS.
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Computer MCQs – 300 Important MCQs For NTS CSS
1 Computer is the term of which language?
2 When was the term computer used for the very first time?
3 Who invented computer?
Charles Babbage
4 What is the function of computer?
Perform arithmetic and logical operations
5 What are the two basic types of computer devices?
Input and output devices
MCQs Of Computer – MS Word – Chapter I
6 What an input device does?
Insert data/order to computer
7 What an output device does?
Shows result
8 What are the two input devices of computer are?
Mouse, Keyboard
9 A monitor is an
Output device
10 CPU stands for
Central Processing Unit
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