Most Commonly Confusing Words In English Part VI
I have collected a few most commonly confusing words. These words almost pronounced same but they have different meanings and so is different their use. Please keep in mind that in English language each word gives different meaning at different time depending upon its use. In this post I have just pointed out only that meaning of every word that can help you to keep their difference in mind. I hope you would like my effort. I have tried my best to avoid any mistake but still if you find any, please point out that by commenting in the comment box.
1 Difference between Gambol and Gamble:
Gambol means quick and playful jumping while Gamble means to play game of luck with your money.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Gambol for quick movement has ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘B’’ and it contain no ‘‘E’’ in the end while Gamble for games of luck has no ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘B’’ and it has an ‘‘E’’ in the end.
2 Difference between Goal and Gaol:
Goal means an objective or a journey’s end while Gaol means jail.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Goal for objective has ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘G’’ while Gaol for jail has ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘A’’.
3 Difference between Gait and Gate:
Gait means the way a person walk while Gate means a door.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Gait for walk has ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ and it has no ‘‘E’’ in the end while Gate for door has no ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ and it has an ‘‘E’’ in the end.
4 Difference between Grate and Great:
Grate means fire place or furnace while Great means bigger or above the average size.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Grate for fire place has ‘‘E’’ in the end while Great for bigger has ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘R’’.
5 Difference between Hew and Hue:
Hew means cut by striking or chopping while Hue means colour.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Hew for cutting has ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘H’’ and it contain ‘‘W’’ in the end while Hue for colour has ‘‘U’’ after ‘‘H’’ and it contain ‘‘E’’ in the end.
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6 Difference between Hoard and Horde:
Hoard means collecting, stocking or storing while Horde means a group or gang or troop.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Hoard for storing has ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘O’’ and it contain no ‘‘E’’ in the end while Horde for gang has no ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘O’’ and it contain an ‘‘E’’ in the end.
7 Difference between Heard and Herd:
Heard is the past tense of hear while Herd means a number of cattle at one place.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Heard for hear has ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘E’’ while Herd for group of cattle has no ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘E’’.
8 Difference between Heal and Heel:
Heal means to become healthy and sound especially of wounds while Heel means the back part of the human foot.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Heal for recovery of wounds has an ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘E’’ and it has only one ‘‘E’’ while Heel for foot back has two ‘‘E’’.
9 Difference between Idol and Idle:
Idol means an image carved in wood or stone for worshiping while Idle means free, unemployed and lazy.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Idol for false god has ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘D’’ and it contain no ‘‘E’’ while Idle for lazy has no ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘D’’ and it has an ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘L’’.
10 Difference between Ingenious and Ingenuous:
Ingenious means clever and skilful while Ingenuous means innocent and natural.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Ingenious has ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘N’’ while Ingenuous for innocent has ‘‘U’’ after ‘‘N’’.
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