Category : Pakistan Affairs
Pakistan Affairs notes for the CSS, PMS and other competitive exams preparation.
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Pakistan Affairs notes for the CSS, PMS and other competitive exams preparation.
This post will help you to understand "Can Pakistan afford tense relations with the USA? Pak US relations current scenario 2025. Pakistan America relations. Can Pakistan afford tense relations with USA? Pak US relations assignment".
Continue readingThe post explains “Pakistan Judicial System – Its Structure, Role and Problems. Structure of Judiciary in Pakistan. The Role of Judiciary in Politics of Pakistan. Pakistan judicial system. Role of Judiciary in Democracy in Pakistan. Flaws in Pakistan ...
Continue readingThe post explains “Moplah Uprising 1921 – Rebellion, Salient Features And Leaders. Moplah is the tribe of which state. Moplah revolt. Moplah Rebellion. Moplah Rebellion in 1921 was an offshoot of. Moplah movement leaders. Mappila revolt leaders. Salient ...
Continue readingThe post explains “Chauri Chaura incident 1922 short note. Causes of Chauri Chaura incident. Effects of Chauri Chaura incident. Importance of Chauri Chaura incident.” Chauri Chaura Incident Muslims of India had launched ...
Continue readingThe post explains “Hijrat Movement (1920) – causes and failure. Causes of Hijrat Movement. Hijrat movement and Khilafat movement. Hijrat Movement failure. Who issued the Fatwa of Darul Harb?” Hijrat Movement ...
Continue readingThe post explains “Short Note On Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Causes of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Consequences of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Who ordered the Jallianwala Bagh massacre?” Short Note On Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Continue readingThe post explains “Non Cooperation Movement of Gandhi Notes. Causes of non cooperation movement. First non cooperation movement. Objectives of the non cooperation movement. Khilafat and non cooperation movement. Importance of the non-cooperation movement. Conclusion of the non ...
Continue readingThe post explains “Khilafat Movement 1919. Causes of Khilafat movement 1919. Khilafat Movement background. Objectives of Khilafat Movement. Importance of Khilafat movement 1919. Effects of Khilafat movement. Positive and negative impacts of Khilafat movement. ...
Continue readingThe post contains “Short Note on Rowlatt Act 1919. What was Rowlatt Act? Rowlatt Committee. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.” Short Note on Rowlatt Act 1919 To crush all the ...
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