Category : Current Affairs
Current Affairs notes for CSS, PMS and other competitive exam preparation.
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Current Affairs notes for CSS, PMS and other competitive exam preparation.
ICJ Rulings In Kulbhushan Jadhave Case In order to curb the menace of terrorism and to capture terrorists and those who are supporting them and avenge them, Pakistan conducted a number of operations on its ...
Continue readingThis post will help you to know "Objectives behind the inclusion of articles 62 63 in 1973 constitution". "What are these articles and what they are about?" Objectives Behind The Inclusion Of Articles 62 ...
Continue readingThis post will help you to know "Why should the members of parliament be truthful and trustful? "Truthful and trustworthiness of members of majlis e shura of Pakistan". Should not the members of parliament be truthful and ...
Continue readingThis post will help you to understand "Effects of Panama Leaks verdict on political system of Pakistan". "Panama case decision and judgement". "Panama Leaks and its effects on Pakistan". "Effects of Panama Leaks verdict on political system ...
Continue readingThis post will help you to understand "Panama leaks verdict and the role of judiciary in Pakistan." "Effects of Panama case on the judicial system of Pakistan". "Panama leaks verdict and the role of judiciary in Pakistan." ...
Continue readingThis post will help you to know "Should the articles 62 63 of constitution be amended or deleted? "Why article 62 63 need to go?" Should The Articles 62 And 63 Be Amended or ...
Continue readingThe on-going tension between the Washington and Pyongyang is not the first of its kind. Both the United States and North Korea have come this far back in 1994 when the North Korean government had refused to grant permission to ...
Continue readingThis post will help you to know "Is SCO an alternative of EU?" "Comparison of SCO and EU". "Is Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) an alternative of European Union (EU)?" "Is SCO an alternative of EU?"
Continue readingThis post explains "Is SCO an eastern version of NATO?" "Comparison of Shanghai Cooperation Organization and North Atlantic Treaty Organization". "Is SCO an eastern version of NATO?" "Is SCO emerging as eastern counterweight of NATO?" "Is SCO ...
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