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National Symposium On Alarming Population Growth Rate in Pakistan

National Symposium On Alarming Population Growth Rate in Pakistan

The post explains “Analysis of national symposium on alarming population growth rate in Pakistan. Evaluation of family planning in Pakistan. Objectives of national symposium on alarming population growth rate in Pakistan.”

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National Symposium On Alarming Population Growth Rate in Pakistan

Population growth at an alarming rate and scarcity of resources are the two major problems of every developing country including Pakistan in today’s world. Before 2017 census, Pakistan was considered as world’s sixth most populated country but with recent census, the rank of Pakistan has moved to fifth. This shows two things, first, the lack of an effective population control policy in the country and second, population of Pakistan over the past two decades has increased at an alarming growth rate. To discuss the root causes of this problem and to get suggestions from experts, a symposium on the request of Chief Justice of Pakistan, Saqib Nisar, was held by the Ministry of National Health Services on 5th December 2018, in Islamabad. Besides the above two mentioned objectives another purpose of the conference was to turned public attention towards this national problem. In symposium people from all fields of life participated and they all gave their feedback on the causes of problem.

Though all participants of the symposium stressed upon the need of implementation of an effective population control policy in the country but religious scholars such as Maulana Tariq Jameel and many others have a different opinion regarding this matter.

Causes Of Failure Of Family Planning in Pakistan

As per Maulana Tariq Jameel, government should focus more on the education of people rather than on family planning. According to him an illiterate population cannot be controlled in any way. If people will have knowledge of the responsibilities of parents in Islam, they will for sure think twice about the number of children. According to him only in this way alarming growth rate of population can be controlled in the country.

Another very prominent religious scholar, Mufti Tariq Masood, during one of his sermons put some serious questions before the government regarding family planning. He criticized Chief Justice Saqib Nisar for unnecessary worrying over water shortage. According to Mufti Tariq Masood, government should focus on constructing dams and water reservoir rather than on birth control policy.

Islam on Family Planning

Mufti’s second objection is, in case of permission of having only two children, who will decide the gender of children? Whether both the children will be boys or girls? Similarly if a family gets two sons in successive deliveries and they are not allowed to have more kids, then as per Mufti Tariq Masood, would it not be against nature to prohibit parents to have a daughter? Same question arises in case when a family has two daughters. Likewise if a family has one son and one daughter, again it would be against nature. As a girl also needs the love of sibling sisters and same rule applies to a baby boy.

According to Mufti Tariq Masood if government is determined to adopt two kids policy in the country then before the ratification of policy the government should devised a system that aims at helping parents especially those having no son. By doing so the burden of government will increase or decrease?

Fourth question of Mufti Tariq Masood is how government will stop feticide? It is obvious that after having a daughter in first delivery, parents will go for abortion in case of second daughter.

Mufti Tariq Masood’s fifth question is, after having two children how government will permanently stopped pregnancy process in women? Government should also introduce a hygienic method or treatment for the future prevention of pregnancy in women before the implementation of population control policy in the country.

Accoring to Mufti Tariq Masood government should first answer all these questions. As per Mufti Saab, Europe applied population control policy without answering these questions and today we see that their social and family system totally destroyed. Similarly due to population control policy some countries’ population growth rate has declined to an alarming rate and now they are trying to change people’s mind about two children policy. While adopting the policy of population control we should not avoid all these facts.

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