Pakistan Agriculture Sector MCQs Quiz
Pakistan agriculture sector MCQs quiz for CSS, PMS, PPSC, BPSC and other competitive exams. MCQs about Pakistan agriculture sector economy. Agriculture in Pakistan and its agronomy MCQs. Pakistan agriculture sector MCQs quiz for CSS, PMS, PPSC, BPSC and other competitive exams.
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Pakistan Agriculture Sector MCQs Quiz
Get All 3,800 MCQs Of Pakistan Studies At One Place
1 How much agriculture products constitute of Pakistan’s total GDP?
2 How much of total labor force of Pakistan is engaged in agriculture sector?
3 Which is the most agricultural province of Pakistan?
4 Total how many principal seasons Pakistan has?
5 In which months of the year, Pakistan has Khareef season?
May to November
6 What are the major Khareef season agricultural products?
Cotton, Sugarcane and Rice
7 Rabi season in Pakistan lasts from
November to April
8 What is the major Rabi product in Pakistan?
9 The total area of Pakistan is
10 What is the total cultivable land area of Pakistan?
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