Agriculture And Forestry CSS Syllabus
Agriculture And Forestry CSS Syllabus. CSS Agriculture And Forestry Syllabus.
Agriculture And Forestry CSS Syllabus
Part-I: Agriculture (50 marks)
Accountancy And Auditing CSS Syllabus
- Concept of Integrated Agriculture: Components of natural resources as bases for agriculture production (Land, Water, biological, Environmental, Solar, Energy)
- Challenges in Pakistan’s Agriculture: Present scenario and future prospects. Analytical overview: issues and strategies for improvement of crop management, livestock management, fisheries, cottage industry, resource management and rural development. Institutions and policies: issues and options.
- Elements of Climate and their Relationship with Crop Growth: Farming Systems, biological nitrogen fixation, soil profile, structure and texture, soil fertility, soil erosion and conservation, water logging and salinity
- Genetic Improvement for Crop Production: GMO crops, Seed production technology.
- Horticulture: Floriculture, landscaping, pests and diseases of agriculture crops and their control, integrated pest management.
- Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture: Agriculture mechanization, land tenure and land reforms, role of agriculture in national economy.
Environmental Sciences CSS Syllabus
Part-II Forestry = (50 Marks)
- Forest, rangelands and wildlife importance and significance
- Forest management and utilization, wood based industries in Pakistan, silviculture
- Range management and utilization
- National and international forest wealth statistics
- Role of wildlife as value addition to forestry
- Forest based wildlife resources of Pakistan and their management, eco-tourism
- Forestry, agroforestry, social forestry and forest biometrics
- Socio-economic and ecological impact of man made forests
- Watershed Management and role of forests in prevailing climate change dilemma
- National forest laws and policies at national level, biodiversity & environment
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