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About US

Askedon (Asked-On) is the first of its kind, educational blog that was launched in 2016, with the aim to help CSS, PMS aspirants in their preparation for the competitive exams. Since then, Askedon has published more than a thousand (1000) blog posts on various topics of Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, Islamic Study, English Précis, Essay and International Relations. The team members of Askedon are still doing their good work of writing and publishing notes on various topics mentioned in the competitive exam syllabus.

Upgrade to the Blog Structure

After considering the need of a vigorous platform where aspirants not only can get free notes but they also have a chance to participate and ask questions, we decided to change the structure of our website, Askedon.

With the new design and structure of Asked-On, now our subscribers can both read and participate in the platform.

Contact US

If you have any query, please do not hesitate to contact us through our contact page.  We will reply as soon as possible.

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